2014年1月4日 星期六

(A)36 This magazine article deals with organized crime in our city. The police should read it carefully. (A)deals with (B)comes about (C)does without (D)runs out of 這雜誌的文章涉及有組織犯罪在我們的城市。警方應仔細閱讀。 (A)deal with:處理;關於(B)come about:發生(C)do without:沒有…也行;戒絕、屏棄(D)run out of:將…用完;從…跑出 (B)37 Lisa works out in a gym nearby three times a week because she wants to lose weight. (A)watches out (B)works out (C)runs out (D)goes out 莉莎每週三次到附近的健身房運動,因為她想要減肥。 (A)看(B)工作(C)跑出去(D)走出去 (A)38 Nancy: Honey, where should we go on vacation? John: Let’s go to the beach. Nancy: Sounds great. (A)Let’s go to the beach (B)I hate hamburgers (C)Yes, let’s do it (D)I have to work now 南希:親愛的,我們要去哪裡度假? 約翰:讓我們去海邊。 南希:聽起來不錯。 (A)讓我們去海邊(B)我恨漢堡包(C)是,讓我們做(D)我現在要工作 (A)39 Judy: I cannot find my key. I must have left it somewhere. Grace: When was the last time you saw it ? Judy: I cannot remember. (A)I cannot remember (B)A thief stole it (C)I forgot to lock my room (D)I have been looking for it for hours 朱迪:我找不到我的鑰匙。我一定是把它忘在哪兒了。 Grace:你最後一次看到它是什麼時候? 朱迪:我想不起來了。 (A)我想不起來了(B)小偷偷走了(C)我忘記把房間鎖起來(D)我已經找了好幾個小時 (C)40 Do you think it is right to experiment on animals for the sake of developing new drugs? (A)exclude (B)explode (C)experiment (D)excuse 你認為它是正確的實驗動物是為了開發新的藥物? (A)排除(B)爆炸(C)實驗(D)對不起 for the sake of:為了 Have you ever noticed a woman who isn’t particularly beautiful either in face or figure, but still somehow appears very attractive, confident, and stylish? Don’t ever believe being 41 equals being beautiful. There are many thin women in the world who don’t know how to dress to make themselves 42 really good. Beauty is style, it’s confidence, and above all 43 , it’s a positive attitude. Being well-dressed has less to do 44 fashion trends. As many experts point out, a well-dressed woman wears clothes 45 are right for her body, fit her perfectly, and are appropriate for the occasion.(請依上述文章,回答第41~45題) (A)41 (A)thin (B)white (C)fat (D)clear (D)42 (A)looking (B)looked (C)looks (D)look (C)43 (A)what (B)there (C)else (D)which (B)44 (A)of (B)with (C)at (D)for (B)45 (A)who (B)that (C)what (D)these 你有沒有注意到一個女人誰是不是特別漂亮無論是在臉上或數字,但仍然不知如何顯得非常有吸引力,自信,時尚的?永遠不要相信41等於優美。有很多瘦的婦女在世界上誰不懂得打扮,使自己42真的很好。美是風格,它的信心,以及所有43以上,這是一個積極的態度。作為衣冠楚楚少做44時尚潮流。正如許多專家指出,一個衣著光鮮的女人穿的衣服45是適合她的身體,適合她的完美,適合的場合。 (A)41 (A)瘦(B)白色(C)胖(D)明確 (D)42 (A)看(B)看(C)看(D)看 (C)43 (A)什麼(B)有(C)其他(D)其中 (B)44 (A)和(B)和(C)在(D)為 (B)45 (A)誰(B)這(C)什麼(D)這些 Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. People often give flowers, chocolates and they send Valentine’s cards as well. Lots of people take their loved one for a romantic meal, to the theater, or even on a special Valentine holiday! But until recently message-writing was always the most important Valentine’s tradition. Good love is always about good communication. Today, many people think that Valentine’s Day is too easy and too commercial. Card shops sell Valentine cards every year, and people spend a lot of money on chocolates and sweets! Sending a text message by mobile phone is even easier! But really romantic people can always find unusual and personal ways to say “I love you” on this special day.(請依據上述文章,回答第46~50題) (A)46 Which of the following is a popular Valentine gift, according to the passage? (A)Chocolate. (B)Soap. (C)Theater. (D)DVD. (B)47 Why is Valentine’s Day the most romantic day of the year? (A)It’s a day to get married. (B)It’s a day for lovers. (C)It’s a day to thank people around you. (D)It’s a day for world peace. (C)48 Why do some people think that Valentine’s Day is too commercial? (A)People send messages to each other. (B)People have to buy mobile phones. (C)People spend too much on Valentine gifts. (D)People talk too much on Valentine’s Day. (D)49 According to this passage, is more important than Valentine presents. (A)a card shop (B)a mobile phone (C)a Valentine holiday (D)good communication between lovers (C)50 What is the most important Valentine’s Day tradition, according to the passage? (A)A romantic meal. (B)A visit to the theater. (C)Sending a message to a loved one. (D)Buying a box of chocolate. 情人節是一年中最浪漫的一天。人們常常給予鮮花,巧克力和他們發送情人卡也是如此。很多人把自己心愛的人一個浪漫餐,劇院,甚至是在一個特殊的情人節的節日!但直到最近的消息寫的是永遠是最重要的情人節的傳統。好的愛情永遠是對良好的溝通。今天,許多人都認為情人節是太容易了,太商業化了。名片店每年銷售情人節卡片,人們花了很多錢在巧克力和糖果!通過手機發送短信更容易!但真正浪漫的人總能找到異常的和個人的方式來說“我愛你”在這個特殊的日子。 (A)46下列哪種是流行的情人節禮物,根據短文? (A)巧克力。(B)肥皂。(C)劇院。(D)光碟。 (B)47為什麼情人節是一年中最浪漫的一天? (A)這一天要結婚。(B)這一天為戀人。(C)這一天感謝你周圍的人。(D)這一天為世界和平。 (C)48為什麼有些人認為情人節是太商業化? (A)人們發送消息給對方。(B)人們買手機。(C)人們花費太多的情人節禮物。(D)人們談論太多關於情人節。 (D)49根據這篇文章,比情人節禮物更重要。 (A)卡店(B)手機(C)情人節假期(D)戀人間的良好溝通 (C)50什麼是最重要的情人節的傳統,根據短文? (A)浪漫大餐。(B)參觀劇院。(C)發送一個消息給心愛的人。(D)購買一盒巧克力。

(A)36 This magazine article deals with organized crime in our city. The police should read it carefully. (A)deals with (B)comes about (C)does without (D)runs out of 這雜誌的文章涉及有組織犯罪在我們的城市。警方應仔細閱讀。 (A)deal with:處理;關於(B)come about:發生(C)do without:沒有…也行;戒絕、屏棄(D)run out of:將…用完;從…跑出 (B)37 Lisa works out in a gym nearby three times a week because she wants to lose weight. (A)watches out (B)works out (C)runs out (D)goes out 莉莎每週三次到附近的健身房運動,因為她想要減肥。 (A)看(B)工作(C)跑出去(D)走出去 (A)38 Nancy: Honey, where should we go on vacation? John: Let’s go to the beach. Nancy: Sounds great. (A)Let’s go to the beach (B)I hate hamburgers (C)Yes, let’s do it (D)I have to work now 南希:親愛的,我們要去哪裡度假? 約翰:讓我們去海邊。 南希:聽起來不錯。 (A)讓我們去海邊(B)我恨漢堡包(C)是,讓我們做(D)我現在要工作 (A)39 Judy: I cannot find my key. I must have left it somewhere. Grace: When was the last time you saw it ? Judy: I cannot remember. (A)I cannot remember (B)A thief stole it (C)I forgot to lock my room (D)I have been looking for it for hours 朱迪:我找不到我的鑰匙。我一定是把它忘在哪兒了。 Grace:你最後一次看到它是什麼時候? 朱迪:我想不起來了。 (A)我想不起來了(B)小偷偷走了(C)我忘記把房間鎖起來(D)我已經找了好幾個小時 (C)40 Do you think it is right to experiment on animals for the sake of developing new drugs? (A)exclude (B)explode (C)experiment (D)excuse 你認為它是正確的實驗動物是為了開發新的藥物? (A)排除(B)爆炸(C)實驗(D)對不起 for the sake of:為了 Have you ever noticed a woman who isn’t particularly beautiful either in face or figure, but still somehow appears very attractive, confident, and stylish? Don’t ever believe being 41 equals being beautiful. There are many thin women in the world who don’t know how to dress to make themselves 42 really good. Beauty is style, it’s confidence, and above all 43 , it’s a positive attitude. Being well-dressed has less to do 44 fashion trends. As many experts point out, a well-dressed woman wears clothes 45 are right for her body, fit her perfectly, and are appropriate for the occasion.(請依上述文章,回答第41~45題) (A)41 (A)thin (B)white (C)fat (D)clear (D)42 (A)looking (B)looked (C)looks (D)look (C)43 (A)what (B)there (C)else (D)which (B)44 (A)of (B)with (C)at (D)for (B)45 (A)who (B)that (C)what (D)these 你有沒有注意到一個女人誰是不是特別漂亮無論是在臉上或數字,但仍然不知如何顯得非常有吸引力,自信,時尚的?永遠不要相信41等於優美。有很多瘦的婦女在世界上誰不懂得打扮,使自己42真的很好。美是風格,它的信心,以及所有43以上,這是一個積極的態度。作為衣冠楚楚少做44時尚潮流。正如許多專家指出,一個衣著光鮮的女人穿的衣服45是適合她的身體,適合她的完美,適合的場合。 (A)41 (A)瘦(B)白色(C)胖(D)明確 (D)42 (A)看(B)看(C)看(D)看 (C)43 (A)什麼(B)有(C)其他(D)其中 (B)44 (A)和(B)和(C)在(D)為 (B)45 (A)誰(B)這(C)什麼(D)這些 Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. People often give flowers, chocolates and they send Valentine’s cards as well. Lots of people take their loved one for a romantic meal, to the theater, or even on a special Valentine holiday! But until recently message-writing was always the most important Valentine’s tradition. Good love is always about good communication. Today, many people think that Valentine’s Day is too easy and too commercial. Card shops sell Valentine cards every year, and people spend a lot of money on chocolates and sweets! Sending a text message by mobile phone is even easier! But really romantic people can always find unusual and personal ways to say “I love you” on this special day.(請依據上述文章,回答第46~50題) (A)46 Which of the following is a popular Valentine gift, according to the passage? (A)Chocolate. (B)Soap. (C)Theater. (D)DVD. (B)47 Why is Valentine’s Day the most romantic day of the year? (A)It’s a day to get married. (B)It’s a day for lovers. (C)It’s a day to thank people around you. (D)It’s a day for world peace. (C)48 Why do some people think that Valentine’s Day is too commercial? (A)People send messages to each other. (B)People have to buy mobile phones. (C)People spend too much on Valentine gifts. (D)People talk too much on Valentine’s Day. (D)49 According to this passage, is more important than Valentine presents. (A)a card shop (B)a mobile phone (C)a Valentine holiday (D)good communication between lovers (C)50 What is the most important Valentine’s Day tradition, according to the passage? (A)A romantic meal. (B)A visit to the theater. (C)Sending a message to a loved one. (D)Buying a box of chocolate. 情人節是一年中最浪漫的一天。人們常常給予鮮花,巧克力和他們發送情人卡也是如此。很多人把自己心愛的人一個浪漫餐,劇院,甚至是在一個特殊的情人節的節日!但直到最近的消息寫的是永遠是最重要的情人節的傳統。好的愛情永遠是對良好的溝通。今天,許多人都認為情人節是太容易了,太商業化了。名片店每年銷售情人節卡片,人們花了很多錢在巧克力和糖果!通過手機發送短信更容易!但真正浪漫的人總能找到異常的和個人的方式來說“我愛你”在這個特殊的日子。 (A)46下列哪種是流行的情人節禮物,根據短文? (A)巧克力。(B)肥皂。(C)劇院。(D)光碟。 (B)47為什麼情人節是一年中最浪漫的一天? (A)這一天要結婚。(B)這一天為戀人。(C)這一天感謝你周圍的人。(D)這一天為世界和平。 (C)48為什麼有些人認為情人節是太商業化? (A)人們發送消息給對方。(B)人們買手機。(C)人們花費太多的情人節禮物。(D)人們談論太多關於情人節。 (D)49根據這篇文章,比情人節禮物更重要。 (A)卡店(B)手機(C)情人節假期(D)戀人間的良好溝通 (C)50什麼是最重要的情人節的傳統,根據短文? (A)浪漫大餐。(B)參觀劇院。(C)發送一個消息給心愛的人。(D)購買一盒巧克力。

