2015年3月30日 星期一
九十四年就業服務專業人員測驗試題 (C)1.在生涯錦囊(Career chips)中「人格特質」、「生涯興趣」、「職業興趣」等向度的組合分析中「DSI」是屬於何組型? (A)感覺-藝術-文型(B)理智-社會-事型(C)開創-社會-人型(D)組織-社會-理型。 (A)2.下列何者不是求職人員的安全守則? (A)穿著緊身短裙(B)第一天上班前問明勞健保情況(C)穿著正式服裝(D)不支付任何保證金。 (B)3.消費爭議調解事件之受理及程序進行等事項,由何者定之? (A)消費者保護官(B)消費者保護委員會(C)消費者服務中心(D)消費者保護團體。 (D)4.訪問買賣之消費者,對於所收受之商品不願買受時,得於收受商品後7日內以書面通知企業經營者解除買賣契約,但應如何處理? (A)應說明理由(B)應負擔部分費用(C)應負擔部分價款(D)無須說明理由及負擔任何費用或價款。 (B)5.私立就業服務機構遇有下列何種情形,縱使有特定目的,亦不得對個人資料進行蒐集或電腦處理? (A)經當事人書面同意者(B)基於營業宣傳需要(C)與當事人有契約而對當事人權益無侵害之虞者(D)已公開之資料且無害於當事人之重大利益者。 (C)6.下列何者不屬於就業服務法第40條所規範就業服務人員不得作為之情事? (A)違反求職人意思,留置其國民身分證(B)扣留求職人財物(C)收取推介就業服務費(D)收取推介就業保證金。 (A)7.密爾斯.朴瑞格斯(Myers-Briggs)人格類型理論之主要內涵,下述何者是對的? (A)「S」是代表感官式(B)「F」是代表直覺式(C)「N」是代表感覺式(D)「T」是代表內省式。 (D)8.將不被社會認同的慾望轉化形式是指哪一種防衛機制? (A)投射(B)否認(C)認同(D)昇華。 (C)9.一般將諮商過程分成四個階段,每一個階段所使用的技術都有所區隔,其中「面質」會運用在哪一階段? (A)第一階段,關係建立(B)第二階段,自我探索(C)第三階段,自我了解(D)第四階段,行動計畫。 (D)10.一般而言,測驗的基本原理包括四種,即信度、效度、常模、實用性等,其中強調如缺乏該特質會造成測驗的誤用或濫用者是哪一個原理? (A)信度(B)效度(C)常模(D)實用性。 (C)11.下列何者不屬於公立與私立就業服務機構的相互關係? (A)良性競爭(B)合作(C)對抗(D)互補。 (B)12.就業服務資源不包括何項? (A)福利資源(B)海洋資源(C)宗教服務(D)醫院診所。 (D)13.運用社會資源辦理就業服務的工作方法不包括何項? (A)善用各項社會資訊(B)善用大眾傳播媒體(C)善用社會福利機構(D)不需事前準備。 (D)14.下列何者不是就業會談前應準備事項? (A)環境佈置(B)了解案主需求(C)心理準備(D)誠懇語言。 (D)15.角色扮演屬於助人技巧模式中的何種階段目標? (A)關係建立(B)自我探索(C)自我瞭解(D)行動計畫。 (C)16.國內有關失業率的資訊是由哪一個中央政府單位發布? (A)內政部(B)經濟部(C)行政院主計處(D)財政部。 (C)17.目前我國基本工資是每月新臺幣多少錢? (A)1 萬4,850 元(B)1 萬5,480 元(C)1 萬5,840 元(D)1 萬8,450 元。 (C)18.下列何者是解決摩擦性失業的最有效方法? (A)加強職業訓練(B)振興經濟(C)加強就業資訊流通(D)提供公共就業機會。 (A)19.勞動力調查無法提供哪些資訊? (A)缺工人數(B)就業人數(C)失業人數(D)失業週數。 C20. 下列哪一項調查可以每月提供各行職業薪資資訊? (A)人力運用調查(B)職類別薪資調查(C)受雇員工薪資調查(D)家庭收支調查。 D21. 下列何者不屬於低度就業現象? (A)工資不足(B)工時不足(C)職業與教育不相稱(D)工作地點偏遠。 C22. 下列何者屬於無酬家屬工作? (A)照顧失能的父親(B)修理自家的電視(C)幫助父親看店(D)打掃自家廚房。 A23. 助人會談技巧中切忌下列何者? (A)喋喋不休(B)當個好的「聽」者(C)不宜透露談話秘密(D)不要強迫追問。 B24. 助人會談技巧中的專注行為,不包括下列何者? (A)面向對方(B)簡述語意(C)保持輕鬆自然(D)身體上半身微向對方前傾。 C25. 行政院勞工委員會研發的「職業興趣量表」將職業興趣分為十二個職業範圍結構,小華經過測試後所得的分數「社會福利」最高,則其不適合下列哪一種職業的選擇? (A)社工員(B)勞工行政人員(C)文書收發員(D)諮商員。 A26. 非公務機關違反電腦個人資料保護規定,致當事人權益受損害者,如能證明其無故意或過失者,免負下列何種責任? (A)損害賠償責任(B)受檢查責任(C)商譽責任(D)改善責任。 C27. 求職安全的535守則是指「5不為」,「3必問」,「5必看」,下列何者違反該守則? (A)問明勞動條件(B)不隨便簽署文件(C)不必管待遇只要有工作就好(D)不購買不清楚的產品。 A28. 職業探索量表測驗結果最高分為C.A.S組型,則組合的主要職業類別中,SAC是代表何種職業類別? (A)法律事務(B)公關(C)文獻檔案(D)兵役行政。 D29. 小華因為公司業務緊縮遭資遣,便透過親友介紹要到某一公司應徵面談,在面談之前應做好的準備功課,下列何者較不適當? (A)認識自我(B)分析客觀環境(C)瞭解工作世界(D)熬夜焦慮。 B30. 下列何者不屬於克魯巴滋(Krumboltz)於1977年提出生涯決定法的7個步驟? (A)行動計畫(B)人格(C)價值觀(D)選擇方案。 A31. 對於諮商師的條件敘述,下列何者錯誤? (A)不是工具(B)了解自我(C)有被諮商的經驗最好(D)人我互動能力強。 C32. 艾立斯(Ellis)的理情療法(RET)在人格結構理論強調ABC模式,其中所指的「A」是代表何者? (A)信念(B)結果(C)事件(D)行為。 A33. 下列何者不是科學化的職業心理測驗? (A)西洋星座測驗(B)GATB通用性向測驗(C)價值觀量表(D)興趣量表。 B34. 勞動力調查之調查方法屬於下列哪一種? (A)普查(B)隨機抽樣調查(C)非隨機抽樣調查(D)便利抽樣調查。 B35. 勞動力調查多久進行一次? (A)每週(B)每月(C)每季(D)每年。 C36. 下列何者不屬於非自願性失業? (A)因工作場所歇業而失業(B)因業務緊縮而失業(C)對原有工作不滿意而離職失業(D)因工廠遷移而失業。 D37. 某一仲介公司為雇主引進外勞時,提供不實的體檢資料,依就業服務法規定應處罰鍰為新臺幣多少元? (A)6萬元以上30萬元以下(B)15萬元以上30萬元以下(C)30萬元以上100萬元以下(D)30萬元以上150萬元以下。 B38. 就業服務人員必備之相關知識,不應該用於下列何者? (A)應儘可能對案主作正確的判斷(B)影響案主之選擇(C)增加案主適應能力(D)尊重而不侵犯案主之權益。 B39. 每個人均有主觀,但過濾太多易產生偏見,是屬於「無效的傾聽」的哪一種類型? (A)評價式的聽(B)過濾的聽(C)同情式的聽(D)務實的聽。 D40. 馬斯洛(Maslow)的階層需求理論一般而言有5個階層,下列何者是屬於最高層次需求與個別差異大的階層? (A)自尊的需求(B)社會屬歸的需求(C)安全的需求(D)自我實現。 B41. 佛洛依德(Freud)的精神分析學派所強調人格結構有3種,其中屬於現實原則的是哪一個結構? (A)本我(B)自我(C)超我(D)外在我。 D42. 下列何者不是面試時該注意事項? (A)清楚告訴親友面試時間及地點(B)不要喝太多水(C)提前幾分鐘到達(D)隨便穿著。 C43. 蒐集應徵公司資訊宜避免? (A)瀏覽企業網站(B)參加就業博覽會(C)道聽塗說(D)閱讀財經雜誌。 D44. 下列何者不是就業媒合須了解的個人特質? (A)性向(B)興趣(C)性格或氣質(D)市場需求。 B45. 近幾年來國內大專學生延期畢業的現象日益普遍,這種現象會使國內勞動參與率有何變化? (A)勞動參與率上升(B)勞動參與率下降(C)勞動參與率不變(D)勞動參與率先上升後下降。 B46. 林先生失業很久,看到報紙某一公司徵求公關經理便前去應徵,結果面試主管要他先訂做制服繳交制服費方能工作,這是屬於求職防騙的哪一個案例? (A)不實伴遊(B)不實徵人求才(C)不實經紀公司(D)不實演藝人員。 C47. 就業服務法第9條規定:就業服務機構及其人員,對雇主與求職人之資料,除推介就業之必要外,不得對外公開。該項規定是屬於就業服務專業人員之何種原則? (A)公開原則(B)平等原則(C)保密原則(D)禁止就業歧視原則。 A48. 企業經營者在定型化契約中所用之條款,應本平等互惠之原則,如契約條款有疑義時,應為有利於何者之解釋? (A)消費者(B)企業經營者(C)企業員工(D)企業投資股東。 A49. 認為生涯是指一個人終生經歷的一連串有酬或無酬職位的綜合之謂者,這是誰所強調? (A)舒伯(Super)(B)哈爾(Hall)(C)何倫 (Holland)(D)米勒(Miller)。 D50. 職業輔導必需運用心理測驗之理由,不包括下列哪一項? (A)可迅速蒐集案主資料(B)可做客觀判斷(C)蒐集的資料較正確(D)凸顯職業心理測驗的權威不可取代性。 A51. 我國勞動力計算的年齡下限是多少歲? (A)15歲(B)18歲(C)20歲(D)無年齡下限。 A52. 助人會談的技巧中,環境的選擇宜如何? (A)避免干擾環境(B)避免融洽氣氛(C)避免充分陽光(D)避免空氣流通。 D53. 下列何者不是影響就業服務專業倫理觀之因素? (A)社會態度與價值(B)團體壓力(C)個人價值觀(D)家人相處情形。 B54. 刊登徵才廣告實為推銷產品遊說加入事業是屬於哪一種求職防騙案例? (A)違法家庭代工(B)不實多層次傳銷(C)不實電子商務(D)不實生前契約。 C55. 當定型化契約中之條款違反誠信原則,而對消費者顯失公平者,該條款之效力為何? (A)有效(B)效力未定(C)無效(D)部分有效。 C56. 私立就業服務機構為個人資料之蒐集、電腦處理或國際傳遞及利用,自94年1月1日起6個月期間內,應向其目的事業主管機關為何種行為後,始得合法為之? (A)申請備查(B)申請核備(C)申請登記並發給執照(D)無須申請。 D57. 生涯危機與生涯轉型理論是誰所倡導的? (A)丁克利基(Dinklage)(B)米勒(Miller)(C)派森思(Parsons)(D)霍布森(Hopson)。 C58. 周哈理窗戶所謂的「自己不知道而他人知道」的向度是屬於何者? (A)隱藏我(B)公眾我(C)盲目我(D)未發現的我。 D59. 下列何者不是助人者之特質? (A)真誠態度(B)彈性態度(C)成熟態度(D)嚴厲態度。 A60. 如果從事有酬工作,則每週至少工作幾個小時才能符合就業條件? (A)1小時(B)5小時(C)10小時(D)15小時。 B61. 下列哪一種現象最能表示失業問題已獲得改善? (A)失業率下降,勞動參與率下降(B)失業率下降,勞動參與率上升(C)失業率上升,勞動參與率下降(D)失業率上升,勞動參與率上升。 C62. 有關職業心理測驗類別的敘述,下列何者是正確的? (A)測量案主能不能做是興趣測驗(B)測量案主願不願做是性向測驗(C)測量案主追求什麼價值或採用什麼方式去做是性格測驗(D)測量案主要不要做是智力測驗。 B63. 下列何者不屬於15歲以上民間人口? (A)大學生(B)義務役軍人(C)65歲以上退休勞工 (D)中年家庭主婦。 D64. 為規範電腦處理個人資料,以避免人格權受侵害,電腦處理個人資料保護法之保護對象為何? (A)公務機關(B)非公務機關(C)法人(D)自然人。 D65. 下列何者不屬於廣義失業的條件? (A)有工作意願(B)有工作能力(C)沒有工作(D)有在找工作。 A66. 達文斯和羅夫蔡斯特(Dawise & Lofquist)的工作調適理論對工作的預估強調2個向度,其中雇主對員工工作表現之滿意程度稱為? (A)適任度(B)滿意度(C)調適度(D)深度。 C67. 面質與自我揭露是在諮商歷程與技術的哪一個階段的技術? (A)準備階段(B)探索階段(C)洞察階段(D)行動階段。 B68. 下列何者對助人關係的敘述有誤? (A)助人行為是一種關係型態(B)助人關係是完全的互惠(C)助人關係不同於朋友關係(D)受助者的困擾問題常是多面向的。 B69. 如果許多失業勞工因找不到工作而決定不再找工作,則勞動參與率會有何變化? (A)上升(B)下降(C)不變(D)先上升後下降。 B70. 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局參考美國勞動部所編製的職業適性測驗研發的本土第一個測驗名稱是什麼? (A)我喜歡做的事測驗(B)通用性向測驗(C)職業興趣量表(D)工作氣質測驗。 C71. 設身處地的為對方設想的助人會談技巧,一般稱為下列何者? (A)專注(B)傾聽(C)同理心(D)引導。 D72. 就業服務轉介程序中,宜避免下列何種情形? (A)考慮轉介時機(B)慎選轉介對象(C)考慮轉介資源(D)不容許案主拒絕轉介。 C73. 何倫 (Holland)的人格類型理論將人格分成6種類型,以下敘述何者是錯誤的? (A)「R」是務實型(B)「S」是社交型(C)「I」是守規型(D)「A」是藝術型。 C74. 助人會談技巧中處理抗拒的策略不包括下列何者? (A)避免自我譴責(B)使用反映技術(C)濫用解釋技術(D)適時自我表達。 D75. 下列何者不是影響勞動需求的主要因素? (A)產品市場的供需狀況(B)生產技術(C)工資率(D)勞工職業偏好。 A76. 面試時該避免的小動作為何? (A)轉筆(B)注視對方(C)口齒清晰(D)語調誠懇。 A77. 下列何者為面試禁忌? (A)過度自信自滿(B)不可以遲到(C)不要情緒化談論政治或時事(D)言行舉止不可輕率。 B78. 當某種工作出現工資率下降,缺工人數增加的現象,政府應採取下列哪一項因應措施來解決缺工問題? (A)辦理與這種工作有關的職業訓練,以增加勞動供給(B)協助雇主改善勞動條件與勞動待遇(C)協助企業將生產線移至海外(D)加強就業訊息流通。 B79. 就業市場缺工與失業現象並存,而且失業週期很長,這是哪種失業類型的表徵? (A)循環性失業(B)結構性失業(C)摩擦性失業(D)季節性失業。 B80. 小明不清楚自己適合做什麼工作,要如何做職業生涯規劃,因此,他可以到一些相關地方尋求協助,下述哪一個機構不能提供服務? (A)公立就業服務機構(B)派出所(C)私立就業服務機構(D)學校。 B81. 就業媒合為何者橋樑? (A)人與物(B)人與事(C)物與事(D)工作與職務。 C82. 下列哪一項調查可以提供缺工的相關資訊? (A)勞動力調查(B)勞工生活狀況調查(C)事業人力僱用狀況調查(D)家庭收支調查。 A83. 下列何者是勞動過剩會出現的現象? (A)失業率上升(B)工資率上升(C)失業率下降(D)缺工率上升。 A84. 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局「全國就業e網」的網址為何? (A)www.ejob.gov.tw(B)www.enet.gov.tw(C)www.ework.gov.tw(D)www.okwork.gov.tw。 A85. 勞委會職訓局就業服務科技客服中心免付費電話號碼為何? (A)0800-777888(B)0800-393393(C)0800-020408(D)0800-113556。 D86. 下列何者不是我國當前就業市場的特徵? (A)勞動參與率上升趨勢減緩(B)第三級產業就業比例上升(C)男性失業率高於女性(D)非典型僱用比例下降。 C87. 下列何者不屬於行業的分類? (A)製造業(B)銀行業(C)司機(D)工商服務業。 A88. 就服員遇到不屬於就業服務業務領域可提供的服務時,應如何處理? (A)轉介其他相關專業服務機構(B)回絕(C)斥責(D)不予回應。 C89. 當求職者專長經評估不適合就業市場需求時,可建議他向哪一類單位求助? (A)勞工保險機構(B)健康保險機構(C)職業訓練機構(D)生命線。 A90. 根據行政院主計處的調查,下列哪一種尋職方法是目前國內一般勞工最常使用的方式? (A)透過親友介紹(B)向公立就服機構登記求職(C)向私立就服機構登記求職(D)參加政府考試。 B91. 下面哪一項調查屬於家計部門調查? (A)職類別薪資調查(B)勞動力調查(C)受僱員工動向調查(D)事業人力僱用狀況調查。 D92. 政府提供就業服務的經費來源不包括下列何項? (A)公務預算(B)就業安定基金(C)就業保險基金(D)事業經營收入。 D93. 就業服務的社會人力資源不包括何項? (A)內在創新知識資源(B)各行各業專業資源(C)組織資源(D)民間贊助經費。 D94. 下列何者不屬於非典型僱用型態? (A)部分工時(B)派遣勞動(C)定期契約工(D)全時工作。 D95. 下列何者不屬於職業的分類? (A)行政主管(B)事務工作人員(C)農林漁牧工作人員(D)個人服務業。 C96. 下列何者不是面試前該注意事項? (A)蒐集應徵單位相關資訊(B)充足睡眠不要熬夜(C)緊張與興奮的睡不著(D)事先模擬訓練。 C97. 下列何者不是成功就業服務人員的特質? (A)對人關懷有興趣(B)敏銳的觀察力(C)身心發展不成熟(D)豐富的知識。 C98. 下列何者不是助人會談的基本態度? (A)溫暖的(B)接納的(C)排斥的(D)尊重的。 A99. 下列哪一種失業通常不被列入自然失業率的計算? (A)循環性失業(B)結構性失業(C)摩擦性失業(D)季節性失業。 B100. 如果政府降低進口汽車的關稅,則國內汽車業的工資最可能出現的變化為何? (A)工資上升(B)工資下降(C)工資不變(D)工資先上升後下降。
九十四年就業服務專業人員測驗試題 (C)1.在生涯錦囊(Career chips)中「人格特質」、「生涯興趣」、「職業興趣」等向度的組合分析中「DSI」是屬於何組型? (A)感覺-藝術-文型(B)理智-社會-事型(C)開創-社會-人型(D)組織-社會-理型。 (A)2.下列何者不...
2015年3月19日 星期四
2014年8月8日 星期五
.アンリアルシンドローム~非現実乙女愛好症候群~ 間隙娘.0 / 8 6 分鐘前 . .[純愛の間隙娘掃圖] [いまいずみあつし]乙女戀華 8間隙娘.0 / 29 22 分鐘前 . .[左橋レンヤ] 桃色トライアングル 1moukin2009.0 / 50 半小時前 . .[水島...
2014年1月5日 星期日
一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。 (一)The widely expected slowdown in the expansion of world output and trade turned out to be much stronger than most observers had projected at the beginning of the year 2001. Global output increased only marginally and world trade decreased somewhat, both developments in sharp contrast to the preceding year when both trade and output expanded at record rates. (WTO Annual Report, 2002) 在世界產出和貿易的擴大市場普遍預期放緩竟然是遠遠強於大多數觀察家曾預計在2001年年初。全球產量僅輕微上升和世界貿易有所下降,兩者的發展形成鮮明對比的是前一年時,雙方的貿易和輸出擴展以創紀錄的速度。(世界貿易組織年度報告,2002年) (二)For the purpose of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish financial assistance to aged needy individuals, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. (US Social Security Act) 為使每一個國家,在切實可行的範圍在該國的條件下,向其提供財政援助,以老年人有需要的個人的目的,茲授權撥每個會計年度的一筆足以開展這個標題的目的。(美國社會保障法) 二、中譯英:請將下列中文譯為英文。 (一)統治國家的權力屬於人民全體,不是個人、不是政黨。這是「自由意志」的充分發揮,是「主權在民」的完全落實,是真正的「順乎天,應乎人」,真正的革故鼎新。一切的榮耀,歸於所有的人民。 The right to rule the country all power belongs to the people, not an individual, not a political party. It is full of "free will" and is "popular sovereignty" full implementation is the real "accord day, people should be almost" real reform and innovation. A cut of the glory belongs to all people. (二)若非當初臺灣銀行界為了競爭消費金融的誘人利潤,幾乎沒有限制地擴張授信額度,現在也不會有一個月收入不過兩萬六千元的上班族竟然會負債一兩百萬。 If the non-banking sector in Taiwan had order to compete attractive consumer financial profit, almost no limit to the expansion of lines of credit, but now they do not have a monthly income of not over two Wan six thousand workers will actually balance a two million. (D)1 Disasters are becoming more frequent and more costly. But there are steps all of us can take to improve our chances of . (A)conception (B)deception (C)revival (D)survival 災害越來越頻繁和更加昂貴。但也有步驟,我們都可以用來提高我們的機會。 (一)概念(二)欺騙(C)復興(D)生存 (B)2 Executives love to talk about social responsibility. But on the factory floor, living up to these lofty ideals is painfully difficult. (A)corporal (B)corporate (C)corpulent (D)culpable 高管喜歡談論社會責任。但在工廠車間,辜負這些崇高的理想是痛苦的困難。 (一)下士(B)企業(C)肥胖(D)應受懲處 (C)3 In this increasingly digital world, cyber-bullying has emerged as an electronic form of bullying that is difficult to or supervise. (A)engender (B)intimidate (C)monitor (D)patronize 在這個日益數字化的世界中,網絡欺凌已成為欺凌的電子形式,是很難或監督。 (一)使人產生(B)恐嚇(C)顯示器(D)光顧 (B)4 Her opinions and outlandish behavior earned her a reputation as an eccentric. (A)auspicious (B)heterodox (C)insidious (D)mundane 她的意見和古怪的行為贏得了她的聲譽作為一個古怪的。 (一)吉祥(B)異端(C)陰險的(D)世俗 (C)5 You can’t choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it when you reach adulthood. (A)annually (B)casually (C)legally (D)ethically 你不能選擇出生時你被賦予的名稱,但在許多國家,當你長大成人你可以改變它。 (一)每年(B)隨便(C)法律(D)道德 (C)6 TV is probably the most powerful of communication ever invented. It is certainly the most popular and most widespread. (A)agenda (B)agreement (C)medium (D)matrix 電視機可能是最強大的通信有史以來發明的。這當然是最流行,最普遍的。 (一)議程(B)協議(C)介質(D)矩陣 (A)7 Indians know that the news is bad when the Prime Minister takes to the airwaves to the nation. (A)address (B)censure (C)elude (D)rebuke 印度人知道是壞消息時,總理帶給電波向全國。 (A)地址(B)譴責(C)逃避(D)責備 (C)8 With the increasing deterioration of global warming, climate change naturally becomes a key agenda item at the G-8 Japan hosts in July, 2008. (A)apex (B)climax (C)summit (D)zenith 隨著全球變暖的日益惡化,氣候變化,自然在2008年7月,成為一個關鍵議題的八國集團日本主機。 (A)頂點(B)高潮(C)峰會(D)天頂 (D)9 Conservatives think patriotism is a to the past. Liberals believe it’s a key to the future. Both sides should learn from each other. (A)conduit (B)legacy (C)patron (D)tribute 保守派認為愛國主義是一種過去。自由主義者相信這是一個未來的關鍵。雙方應互相學習。 (一)導管(B)傳統的(C)的贊助人(D)致敬 (B)10 The Watergate scandal was the ostensible cause of Richard Nixon’s decision to the presidency of the United States. (A)abandon (B)abdicate (C)abort (D)abridge 水門事件是理查德•尼克松的決定表面上的原因,以美國的總統。 (a)放棄(B)退位(C)中止(D)縮短 Children have a lot to contend with these days, not least a tendency for their pushy parents to force-feed them omega-3 oil capsules at every opportunity. These are supposed to make children brainier, so they are being added to 11 from bread, milk and pasta to baby formula and vitamin tablets. But omega-3 is just the 12 of the nutritional iceberg; many nutrients have proven cognitive effects, and do 13 throughout a person’s life, not merely when he is a child. Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a fish-loving professor of neurosurgery and physiological science at the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that 14 changes to a person’s diet can enhance his cognitive abilities, protect his brain from damage and counteract the effects of aging. Dr. Gómez-Pinilla has been studying the effects of food on the brain for years, and has now completed a review, just published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, that has analyzed more than 160 cases of food’s effect on the 15 . Some foods, he concludes, are like pharmaceutical compounds; their effects are so profound that the mental health of entire countries may be linked to them. (B)11 (A) food (B)everything (C)meal (D)something (C)12 (A)point (B)summit (C)tip (D)zenith (C)13 (A) all (B)it (C)so (D)them (A)14 (A)appropriate (B)belated (C)disproportionate (D)prompt (A)15 (A) brain (B)heart (C)mind (D)nerve 孩子們有很多抗衡這些天,至少不是為自己愛出風頭的父母強行餵它們的ω-3魚油膠囊在每一個機會的趨勢。這些都應該讓孩子智商更高,所以他們被添加到11從麵包,牛奶和麵食,以嬰兒配方奶粉和維生素片。但ω- 3僅僅是冰山營養的12個;許多營養物質已被證明的認知效果,並做13整個人的生活,而不是僅僅當他是個孩子。 費爾南多•戈麥斯 - 皮尼利亞,神經外科和生理科學的魚愛教授在加州大學洛杉磯分校,相信14改變一個人的飲食可以增強他的認知能力,保護他的大腦的損傷和抵抗衰老的作用。博士戈麥斯 - 皮尼利亞一直在研究食物對大腦的影響多年,現已完成檢討,只是發表在自然神經科學評論,已經分析了160多個個案,在15個食品的效果。有些食物,他的結論是,像藥物化合物,它們的影響是如此深刻,整個國家的精神衛生可能與他們。 (B)11(A)食品(B)所有(C)餐(D)的東西 (C)12(A)點(B)峰會(C)尖(D)天頂 (C)13(a)所有(B)它(C),所以(D)他們 (A)14(A)適當的(B)馬後砲(C)不成比例(D)提示 (A)15(A)腦(B)心臟(C)心靈(D)神經 The Persian Gulf is not an obvious destination for the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet when Bahrain’s King Hamad met with Pope Benedict in Rome in July 2008, he 16 a personal invitation to visit. If Benedict accepts this offer, he’ll become the first 17 to set foot in Arabia. 18 would make that trip so dramatic is the region’s reputation for religious intolerance. Bahrain’s new hospitality shows that attitudes are changing. And the explanation lies in demographics. The kingdom and its neighbors are hosts to booming new Christian populations, thanks to the region’s 19 hunger for guest workers. Foreign laborers now represent 35 percent of Bahrain’s inhabitants. The number is 60 percent in Kuwait and 80 percent in the United Arab Emirates, and almost half of the 35 million people on the Arabian Peninsula are now foreign-born. A large proportion of them hail from Christian areas such as the Philippines and southern India. As a result, 20 now constitute roughly 9 percent of Bahrain’s population. In Saudi Arabia, the Catholic Church estimates there are 1.2 million Filipino faithfuls alone, making them the country’s third largest immigrant group. (B)16 (A) detained (B)extended (C)pretended (D)retained (D)17 (A) archbishop (B)cardinal (C)patrician (D)pontiff (C)18 (A) It (B)That (C)What (D)Which (C)19 (A) indignant (B)ingenious (C)insatiable (D)invaluable (B)20 (A) Buddhists (B)Christians (C)Muslims (D)Protestants 波斯灣不是羅馬天主教教會的頭一個明顯的目標。然而,當巴林國王哈馬德2008年7月會見了教皇本篤在羅馬,他16個人邀請參觀。如果本篤接受這個提議,他將成為第17至阿拉伯涉足。 18將使這一趟這麼富有戲劇性的是宗教不容忍該地區的聲譽。巴林的新的熱情好客表明態度正在發生變化。並解釋在於人口。王國和它的鄰居是主機蓬勃發展的新的基督教群體,由於該地區的19飢餓的外來工人。外勞現在代表巴林的居民的35%。該數字是60%,在科威特和80 %,在阿聯酋,和35億人在阿拉伯半島上的近一半,現在外國出生的。他們中的大部分冰雹從基督教的地區,如菲律賓和印度南部。因此,現在20構成大約9 %的巴林的人口。在沙特阿拉伯,天主教會估計有120萬菲律賓人獨自忠心擁護者,使他們成為全國第三大移民群體。 (B ) 16 ( A)拘留(B )延長( C)假裝(D )保留 ( D) 17 ( A)大主教(B )樞機主教( C)貴族(D )教皇 ( C) 18 ( A)它( b)在(C )什麼( d)條 ( C) 19 ( A)憤怒的(B )巧妙( C)得寸進尺(D )無價 (B ) 20 (A )的佛教徒(二)基督徒( C)穆斯林(D )的新教徒 Samuel Huntington got it wrong, at least when it comes to art. Civilizations don’t clash, but share and 21 inspire. So argues “Beyond Orientalism,” an exhibition at the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. The show examines Islamic art’s impact on Western artists, highlighting how Islamic calligraphy, tile designs, and geometrical motifs pop up in the most 22 places, from Tiffany lamps—some of which drew on 16th century Persian works—to the art of M.C. Escher, whose elaborate drawings of endless staircases and interlocking patterns were apparently inspired by Islamic designs. 23 the debt owed to Islamic art by painters like Henri Matisse and Paul Klee is well documented, Muslim influence on Western aesthetics began far earlier, says the curator of “Beyond Orientalism,” Lucien de Guise. The Muslim domination of Spain between the 8th and 15th centuries enabled the 24 of advanced artistic and architectural techniques—as well as great accomplishments in music, science, philosophy, and even cuisine. Until the industrial era, when interest in Islamic art 25 in the West, “Europeans were totally in awe of Islamic art,” argues de Guise. “They couldn’t get enough of it.” (C)21 (A) exclusively (B)inclusively (C)mutually (D)naturally (D)22 (A) literal (B)picturesque (C)realistic (D)unlikely (A)23 (A) Although (B)Because (C)Since (D)When (D)24 (A) aspiration (B)indignation (C)granulation (D)transmission (A)25 (A) declined (B)diluted (C)increased (D)intensified 塞繆爾•亨廷頓聽錯了,至少當它涉及到藝術。文明不衝突,而是分享和21鼓舞。因此,認為“超越東方主義”的展覽在伊斯蘭藝術博物館在馬來西亞吉隆坡。該節目在探討西方藝術家伊斯蘭藝術的影響,突出如何伊斯蘭書法,瓷磚的設計,和幾何圖案彈出的最多22個地方,從蒂凡尼燈,有些借鑒了16世紀波斯的作品到MC的藝術埃舍爾,其無盡的樓梯和環環相扣的模式精心圖紙顯然是受到伊斯蘭的設計靈感。 23由像馬蒂斯和克利畫家欠伊斯蘭藝術債務是有據可查的,在西方美學穆斯林的影響力開始遠遠早,說“超越東方主義, ”呂西安•德吉斯的館長。西班牙的第8至15世紀穆斯林統治使在音樂,科學,哲學,甚至是美食,先進的藝術和建築技術,以及偉大成就的24 。直到工業時代,當西方在伊斯蘭藝術25的興趣,“歐洲人是完全的伊斯蘭藝術的敬畏, ”德認為吉斯。 “他們無法得到它就好了。” ( C) 21 ( A)專(B ) (含) ( C)互相(四)自然 ( D) 22 ( A)文本(B )風景如畫( C)現實的( D)不太可能 ( A) 23 ( A)雖然(B )因為(C )因為(D )當 ( D) 24 ( A)吸入(B )的憤慨( C)造粒(D )傳輸 ( A) 25 ( A)下降( B)攤薄( C)增加(D )加劇 The Tour de France, which kicks off July 5, is a grueling test of human endurance, a three-week 3,500km race stretched over 21 stages, nine of them in the mountains. But in some ways the modern Tour is easier than races past. In the early 20th century, competitors pedaled the dirt roads of France through the night on fixed-gear bikes, evading human blockades, route-jamming cars and nails placed on the road by fans of other riders. Between stages, teams feasted on banquets and champagne; before climbs, they fortified with cigarettes. The race was the brainchild of Henri Desgrange, a Parisian magazine editor who launched it in 1903 with 60 riders in a bid to boost circulation. It worked: Tour coverage helped Desgrange’s magazine boom, and the race soon became more popular than he could have dreamed. With fans lining the roads to see riders up close, by the 1920s the Tour included more than 100 cyclists from throughout Europe. But as the competition grew fiercer and the race more commercialized, champagne and nicotine gave way to more effective—and insidious—performance boosters. In 1967, British rider Tom Simpson died midrace after taking amphetamines, prompting the event to adopt drug-testing. In 1998, authorities disqualified the Festina team after finding the red blood cell-boosting drug EPO in their car. The winner of the 1996 race, Bjarne Riis, admitted in 2007 that he had used EPO, just months before Floyd Landis became the first Tour winner stripped of his title on charges of using synthetic testosterone in 2006. The Tour now tests athletes rigorously—stage winners are screened daily—although the victor in this year’s race will still be allowed a sip of champagne. (B)26 Who was the first Tour winner stripped of his title on charges of using drugs? (A)Henri Desgrange. (B)Floyd Landis. (C)Bjarne Riis. (D)Tom Simpson. (C)27 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A)The Tour de France is more than 100 years old. (B)Fans used to put nails on the road in the past. (C)American rider Tom Simpson died in the middle of the race. (D)The Tour de France was the brainchild of Henri Desgrange. (C)28 What was the original aim of the Tour de France? (A)To boost the spirit of teamwork. (B)To boost sport consciousness. (C)To raise magazine circulation. (D)To raise traffic circulation. (A)29 Which of the following titles is the most appropriate one for this passage? (A)A Brief History of the Tour de France (B)Drugs in Sports (C)Reasons behind the Success of the Tour de France (D)Necessity is the Mother of Invention (D)30 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) The use of drugs is no longer a problem in the Tour de France. (B)Champagne is no longer allowed in the Tour de France. (C)The Tour de France now tests every participant daily. (D)The cyclists used cigarettes to stimulate themselves in the past. 環法自行車賽,其中7月5日揭開序幕,是人類忍耐力的考驗,三個星期的3500公里比賽伸過來21級,在山區9人。但在某些方面,現代之旅比以往的比賽更容易。在20世紀初,競爭對手通過固定齒輪自行車夜間靼法國的土路,逃避人的封鎖,路線干擾汽車和指甲被其他車手的球迷放置在道路上。階段之間,團隊宴請宴會和香檳;爬升之前,他們用香煙強化。 這場比賽是亨利Desgrange ,誰發動於1903年60車手,力圖促進血液循環巴黎人雜誌編輯的心血結晶。它的工作:遊覽覆蓋面幫助Desgrange雜誌熱潮,競賽很快成為更受歡迎,比他可以有夢想。與球迷排隊的道路,看看車友零距離接觸,通過1920年的巡迴賽有來自歐洲各地超過100個騎自行車的人。但隨著競爭的加劇和激烈的比賽更加商業化,香檳和尼古丁讓位給更有效的和陰險的性能助推器。 1967年,英國車手湯姆•辛普森服用安非他明後死亡midrace ,促使事件採取藥物測試。 1998年,當局取消資格的Festina隊發現紅細胞,促進藥物促紅細胞生成素在他們的車後。的1996年比賽的獲勝者, Bjarne的里斯,承認在2007年,他曾使用EPO ,僅僅幾個月前,弗洛伊德蘭迪斯成了剝奪他的冠軍稱號的第一個巡迴賽冠軍在使用合成睾酮在2006年的費用。巡迴賽現在測試的運動員嚴格階段的獲獎者是日用雖然放映在今年的比賽勝者將仍然允許香檳抿了一口。 (二) 26誰是第一個巡迴賽冠軍剝奪他的頭銜上使用藥物的費用? (一)亨利Desgrange 。 (二)弗洛伊德蘭迪斯。 (三) Bjarne的里斯。 (四)湯姆•辛普森。 (三) 27根據文章,下列哪項是不正確? (一)環法自行車超過100歲。 (二)風扇用來放釘在路上了過去。 (三)美國車手湯姆•辛普森在比賽的中間死了。 (四)環法自行車賽是亨利Desgrange的心血結晶。 (三) 28什麼是環法自行車賽的原意? (一)為提高團隊協作精神。 (二)為提高體育意識。 (三)為提高雜誌的發行量。 (四)提高交通流通。 (一) 29下列哪個標題是最合適的一個為這段話? (一)簡史環法自行車賽(B )藥物在體育中 (三)在環法自行車賽的成功(D )背後的原因需要是發明之母 (四) 30根據文章,下列哪項是正確的? (一)使用藥物不再是環法自行車賽的一個問題。 (二)香檳是在環法自行車賽不再允許。 (三)環法自行車賽現在每天測試每一個參與者。 (四)騎自行車用香煙來刺激自己的過去。 “Biography first convinces us of the fleeing of the Biographied,” wrote Emily Dickinson, America’s most famous female poet of the 19th century, uncannily foreseeing how inscrutable a subject she herself would turn out to be. Rather like Emily Brontë, with whom she identified, Dickinson shrank from contact with the world, scuttling off in her signature white dress as soon as a visitor appeared at the door. Reluctant to share her pared-down, laser-sharp and sometimes terrifying inward poems through publication—only seven were printed in her lifetime—she nevertheless relied on an iron core of self-belief, quietly prophesying that posterity would recognize her genius. Dickinson’s externally uneventful life has been chronicled before, but Brenda Wineapple finds a new way in by focusing on her relationship with the man who would eventually help to bring her to the public gaze after her death. Thomas Wentworth Higginson has usually been patronized as a second-rater who bungled the transmission of Dickinson’s work by allowing too much editorial tempering, a man whose bourgeois conventionality tried to silence a woman poet’s true voice. Yet Ms. Wineapple responds to him with compassion and respect, and in doing so makes her book much more than a biography—rather, a sweeping cultural and political history of the lead-up to the American civil war and its aftermath. (D)31 Which of the following authors wrote Emily Dickinson’s biography? (A)Emily Brontë. (B)Thomas Higginson. (C)Emily Wentworth. (D)Brenda Wineapple. (D)32 According to your understanding of the passage, which of the following can best describe Emily Dickinson’s attitude towards biography? (A)Confident. (B)Disdainful. (C)Optimistic. (D)Skeptical. (D)33 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A)Emily Dickinson enjoyed receiving visitors at home. (B)Emily Dickinson had a colorful life while she was alive. (C)Thomas Higginson was highly appreciated by critics in the past. (D)Brenda Wineapple’s attitude towards Higginson is different from that of critics in the past. (B)34 Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinson is NOT true? (A)She published only a few poems in her lifetime. (B)She was not sure about the value of her works. (C)She was an introvert poet. (D)Higginson brought her works to public attention after her death. (A)35 Which of the following statements can be inferred from this passage? (A)Although Dickinson only published seven poems in her lifetime, she was confident about her status in the future. (B)With the publication of this new biography, the relationship between Dickinson and Higginson will be definitely changed. (C)With the help of her biographies, we can finally understand the inner world of Dickinson. (D)Thomas Higginson was over-rated and deeply misunderstood by critics in the past. “列傳第一說服Biographied的逃亡之我們,寫道:”艾米莉•狄金森,美國最著名的女詞在19世紀,驚人地預見她自己是一個受高深莫測怎麼會變成是。而不是像艾米莉•勃朗特,與她發現,從迪金森與世界接觸的萎縮,一旦遊客出現在門口,她簽字的白色禮服鑿開了。不願意分享她的削減的,激光尖銳,有時可怕的向內通過出版,只有七詩被印在她的一生,但她依靠的自我信念鐵芯,靜靜地預言了後人會承認她的天才。 狄金森的外部平靜的生活已經被記載過,但布倫達Wineapple找到一種新的方式在專注於她與該名男子誰最終將有助於使她到她去世後,公眾的目光關係。托馬斯溫希金森通常也被光顧的二流誰允許太多的社論回火,一個人的資產階級套子試圖以沉默的女人詩人的真實聲音貽誤狄金森的作品的傳播。然而Wineapple女士回應他同情和尊重,並在這樣做,使她的書比一本傳記,而是一個籠統的文化和政治的鉛直至美國內戰及戰後的歷史等等。 ( D) 31下列哪項作者寫道艾米莉•狄金森的傳記? (一)艾米莉•勃朗特。 (二)托馬斯•希金森。 (三)艾米莉溫特沃斯。 (四)布倫達Wineapple 。 (四) 32根據您的流逝,下列哪項最能形容艾米莉•狄金森的對傳記的態度的理解? (一)有信心。 (二)蔑視。 (三)持樂觀態度。 (四)持懷疑態度。 (四) 33根據文章,下列哪項是正確的? (一)狄金森喜歡接待來訪在家。 (二)狄金森有豐富多彩的生活,同時她還活著。 (三)托馬斯•希金森的高度在過去評論家的讚賞。 (四)布倫達Wineapple對待希金森的態度是從批評在過去的不同。 (二) 34下列哪些有關艾米莉•狄金森的下列說法中不正確? ( A)她只出版幾首詩在她的一生。 (二)她不知道她的作品的價值。 ( C)她是一個性格內向的詩人。 (四)希金森帶來了她的作品,公眾的注意力在她死後。 (一) 35下列哪項可以從這段話可以推斷? (一)雖然迪金森只有出版了七本詩集在她的一生,她相信她的未來地位。 (b)與本新傳記的出版,迪金森和希金森之間的關係必將得到改變。 (c)與她的傳記的幫助下,我們終於可以理解狄金森的內心世界。 (四)托馬斯•希金森超過額定的和深受評論家在過去誤解。 Four-star general Walter (Dutch) Kerwin, who helped pioneer the US military’s historic shift to an all-volunteer force in the 1970s, had seen firsthand the problems that could plague a conscripted army fighting a modern war. Kerwin was the Army’s personnel chief during the Vietnam War, grappling with draftees deserting, abusing drugs and even murdering unpopular commanders. With draftees’ tours limited to 12 months, military units lost their vital cohesion. In order to help “bring this level of indiscipline down,” as he told Congress at the time, Kerwin drafted plans for what became the all-volunteer force that celebrated its 35th birthday on July 1, 2008. Kerwin famously spoke of the line that he felt must be drawn between those in uniform and those they protect. “The values necessary to defend the society are often at odds with the values of the society itself,” he said. “The Army must concentrate not on the values of our liberal society but on the hard values of the battlefield.” The volunteer Army isn’t without problems—conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have forced it to lower recruiting standards and increase bonuses to attract and retain soldiers—but with a conscripted force, the US probably couldn’t have waged the two wars now under way. Compared with morale during Vietnam, the spirit among US troops serving in war zones is relatively high—a fact that will no doubt be Kerwin’s legacy. (D)36 When did the United States military begin its all-volunteer force? (A)1970. (B)1971. (C)1972. (D)1973. (A)37 How long did American draftees have to serve during the Vietnam War period? (A)One year. (B)A year and a half. (C)Two years. (D)Three years. (D)38 According to the passage, which of the following crimes was not committed by the draftees General Kerwin dealt with? (A)Deserting. (B)Drug abuse. (C)Murder. (D)Sexual abuse. (B)39 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A)Kerwin was the Navy Personnel Chief during the Vietnam War. (B)Kerwin believes that the values of the military are different from those of the society. (C)The morale of the US Army is as low as it was in the Vietnam War. (D)Kerwin believes that soldiers should enjoy the same freedom as their compatriots. (D)40 Which of the following consequences comes with the all-volunteer forces? (A)Lower morale. (B)Loss of vital cohesion. (C)Lower bonuses. (D)Lower recruiting standards. 四星上將沃爾特(荷蘭)克爾溫,誰幫助開拓美軍的歷史性轉變在20世紀70年代的全志願部隊,曾親眼見過,可能困擾著徵召的軍隊打一場現代戰爭的問題。克爾溫是陸軍的人員主要在越南戰爭期間,有役男頹唐,濫用藥物,甚至謀殺不受歡迎的指揮官拼殺。與役男“旅遊限制在12個月內,部隊失去了至關重要的凝聚力。為了幫助“把這個水平違紀下來,”他告訴國會的時候,克爾溫起草的計劃是什麼成為了慶祝了它的35歲生日在2008年7月1日全志願部隊。 Kerwin的著名講話,他覺得必須在那些穿制服的和那些保護他們之間繪製的線條。 “要保衛社會的值是經常與社會本身的價值, ”他說。 “陸軍必須集中精力不在我們自由社會的價值觀,但在戰場上的硬值。 ” 義軍也不是沒有迫使它降低招募標準和增加獎金,以吸引和留住士兵,但與徵召力,美國可能無法現在已經發動了兩場戰爭正在進行中的問題,衝突在伊拉克和阿富汗。與越南在士氣相比,除美軍在戰區服務的精神是比較高的一個事實,無疑將是克爾溫的遺產。 (四) 36沒有美國的軍事何時開始其全志願部隊? (一)1970 。 (二)1971 。 (C )1972 。 (四)1973 。 (一) 37沒有美國役男有多久在越南戰爭期間擔任? (一)一年。 (B)一年半。 (三)兩年。 (四)三年。 (四) 38根據文章,下列哪一項罪行並沒有犯下的役男一般克爾溫處理? (一)頹唐。 (二)藥物濫用。 (三)謀殺。 (四)性虐待。 (二) 39根據文章,下列哪項是正確的? (一)克爾溫是海軍人事科長越南戰爭期間。 (二)克爾溫認為,軍隊的價值觀念與社會的不同。 (三)美國軍隊的士氣是低,因為它是在越南戰爭。 (四)克爾溫認為,軍人應享有同樣的自由,他們的同胞。 (D ) 40下列哪些後果自帶的全志願部隊? (一)降低士氣。至關重要的凝聚力(二)虧損。 ( C)下的獎金。 (四)降低招聘標準。
一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。 (一)The widely expected slowdown in the expansion of world output and trade turned out to be much stronger than most observ...
一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。 (一)The widely expected slowdown in the expansion of world output and trade turned out to be much stronger than most observers had projected at the beginning of the year 2001. Global output increased only marginally and world trade decreased somewhat, both developments in sharp contrast to the preceding year when both trade and output expanded at record rates. (WTO Annual Report, 2002) 在世界產出和貿易的擴大市場普遍預期放緩竟然是遠遠強於大多數觀察家曾預計在2001年年初。全球產量僅輕微上升和世界貿易有所下降,兩者的發展形成鮮明對比的是前一年時,雙方的貿易和輸出擴展以創紀錄的速度。(世界貿易組織年度報告,2002年) (二)For the purpose of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish financial assistance to aged needy individuals, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. (US Social Security Act) 為使每一個國家,在切實可行的範圍在該國的條件下,向其提供財政援助,以老年人有需要的個人的目的,茲授權撥每個會計年度的一筆足以開展這個標題的目的。(美國社會保障法) 二、中譯英:請將下列中文譯為英文。 (一)統治國家的權力屬於人民全體,不是個人、不是政黨。這是「自由意志」的充分發揮,是「主權在民」的完全落實,是真正的「順乎天,應乎人」,真正的革故鼎新。一切的榮耀,歸於所有的人民。 The right to rule the country all power belongs to the people, not an individual, not a political party. It is full of "free will" and is "popular sovereignty" full implementation is the real "accord day, people should be almost" real reform and innovation. A cut of the glory belongs to all people. (二)若非當初臺灣銀行界為了競爭消費金融的誘人利潤,幾乎沒有限制地擴張授信額度,現在也不會有一個月收入不過兩萬六千元的上班族竟然會負債一兩百萬。 If the non-banking sector in Taiwan had order to compete attractive consumer financial profit, almost no limit to the expansion of lines of credit, but now they do not have a monthly income of not over two Wan six thousand workers will actually balance a two million. (D)1 Disasters are becoming more frequent and more costly. But there are steps all of us can take to improve our chances of . (A)conception (B)deception (C)revival (D)survival (B)2 Executives love to talk about social responsibility. But on the factory floor, living up to these lofty ideals is painfully difficult. (A)corporal (B)corporate (C)corpulent (D)culpable (C)3 In this increasingly digital world, cyber-bullying has emerged as an electronic form of bullying that is difficult to or supervise. (A)engender (B)intimidate (C)monitor (D)patronize (B)4 Her opinions and outlandish behavior earned her a reputation as an eccentric. (A)auspicious (B)heterodox (C)insidious (D)mundane (C)5 You can’t choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it when you reach adulthood. (A)annually (B)casually (C)legally (D)ethically (C)6 TV is probably the most powerful of communication ever invented. It is certainly the most popular and most widespread. (A)agenda (B)agreement (C)medium (D)matrix (A)7 Indians know that the news is bad when the Prime Minister takes to the airwaves to the nation. (A)address (B)censure (C)elude (D)rebuke (C)8 With the increasing deterioration of global warming, climate change naturally becomes a key agenda item at the G-8 Japan hosts in July, 2008. (A)apex (B)climax (C)summit (D)zenith (D)9 Conservatives think patriotism is a to the past. Liberals believe it’s a key to the future. Both sides should learn from each other. (A)conduit (B)legacy (C)patron (D)tribute (B)10 The Watergate scandal was the ostensible cause of Richard Nixon’s decision to the presidency of the United States. (A)abandon (B)abdicate (C)abort (D)abridge Children have a lot to contend with these days, not least a tendency for their pushy parents to force-feed them omega-3 oil capsules at every opportunity. These are supposed to make children brainier, so they are being added to 11 from bread, milk and pasta to baby formula and vitamin tablets. But omega-3 is just the 12 of the nutritional iceberg; many nutrients have proven cognitive effects, and do 13 throughout a person’s life, not merely when he is a child. Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a fish-loving professor of neurosurgery and physiological science at the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that 14 changes to a person’s diet can enhance his cognitive abilities, protect his brain from damage and counteract the effects of aging. Dr. Gómez-Pinilla has been studying the effects of food on the brain for years, and has now completed a review, just published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, that has analyzed more than 160 cases of food’s effect on the 15 . Some foods, he concludes, are like pharmaceutical compounds; their effects are so profound that the mental health of entire countries may be linked to them. (B)11 (A) food (B)everything (C)meal (D)something (C)12 (A)point (B)summit (C)tip (D)zenith (C)13 (A) all (B)it (C)so (D)them (A)14 (A)appropriate (B)belated (C)disproportionate (D)prompt (A)15 (A) brain (B)heart (C)mind (D)nerve The Persian Gulf is not an obvious destination for the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet when Bahrain’s King Hamad met with Pope Benedict in Rome in July 2008, he 16 a personal invitation to visit. If Benedict accepts this offer, he’ll become the first 17 to set foot in Arabia. 18 would make that trip so dramatic is the region’s reputation for religious intolerance. Bahrain’s new hospitality shows that attitudes are changing. And the explanation lies in demographics. The kingdom and its neighbors are hosts to booming new Christian populations, thanks to the region’s 19 hunger for guest workers. Foreign laborers now represent 35 percent of Bahrain’s inhabitants. The number is 60 percent in Kuwait and 80 percent in the United Arab Emirates, and almost half of the 35 million people on the Arabian Peninsula are now foreign-born. A large proportion of them hail from Christian areas such as the Philippines and southern India. As a result, 20 now constitute roughly 9 percent of Bahrain’s population. In Saudi Arabia, the Catholic Church estimates there are 1.2 million Filipino faithfuls alone, making them the country’s third largest immigrant group. (B)16 (A) detained (B)extended (C)pretended (D)retained (D)17 (A) archbishop (B)cardinal (C)patrician (D)pontiff (C)18 (A) It (B)That (C)What (D)Which (C)19 (A) indignant (B)ingenious (C)insatiable (D)invaluable (B)20 (A) Buddhists (B)Christians (C)Muslims (D)Protestants Samuel Huntington got it wrong, at least when it comes to art. Civilizations don’t clash, but share and 21 inspire. So argues “Beyond Orientalism,” an exhibition at the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. The show examines Islamic art’s impact on Western artists, highlighting how Islamic calligraphy, tile designs, and geometrical motifs pop up in the most 22 places, from Tiffany lamps—some of which drew on 16th century Persian works—to the art of M.C. Escher, whose elaborate drawings of endless staircases and interlocking patterns were apparently inspired by Islamic designs. 23 the debt owed to Islamic art by painters like Henri Matisse and Paul Klee is well documented, Muslim influence on Western aesthetics began far earlier, says the curator of “Beyond Orientalism,” Lucien de Guise. The Muslim domination of Spain between the 8th and 15th centuries enabled the 24 of advanced artistic and architectural techniques—as well as great accomplishments in music, science, philosophy, and even cuisine. Until the industrial era, when interest in Islamic art 25 in the West, “Europeans were totally in awe of Islamic art,” argues de Guise. “They couldn’t get enough of it.” (C)21 (A) exclusively (B)inclusively (C)mutually (D)naturally (D)22 (A) literal (B)picturesque (C)realistic (D)unlikely (A)23 (A) Although (B)Because (C)Since (D)When (D)24 (A) aspiration (B)indignation (C)granulation (D)transmission (A)25 (A) declined (B)diluted (C)increased (D)intensified The Tour de France, which kicks off July 5, is a grueling test of human endurance, a three-week 3,500km race stretched over 21 stages, nine of them in the mountains. But in some ways the modern Tour is easier than races past. In the early 20th century, competitors pedaled the dirt roads of France through the night on fixed-gear bikes, evading human blockades, route-jamming cars and nails placed on the road by fans of other riders. Between stages, teams feasted on banquets and champagne; before climbs, they fortified with cigarettes. The race was the brainchild of Henri Desgrange, a Parisian magazine editor who launched it in 1903 with 60 riders in a bid to boost circulation. It worked: Tour coverage helped Desgrange’s magazine boom, and the race soon became more popular than he could have dreamed. With fans lining the roads to see riders up close, by the 1920s the Tour included more than 100 cyclists from throughout Europe. But as the competition grew fiercer and the race more commercialized, champagne and nicotine gave way to more effective—and insidious—performance boosters. In 1967, British rider Tom Simpson died midrace after taking amphetamines, prompting the event to adopt drug-testing. In 1998, authorities disqualified the Festina team after finding the red blood cell-boosting drug EPO in their car. The winner of the 1996 race, Bjarne Riis, admitted in 2007 that he had used EPO, just months before Floyd Landis became the first Tour winner stripped of his title on charges of using synthetic testosterone in 2006. The Tour now tests athletes rigorously—stage winners are screened daily—although the victor in this year’s race will still be allowed a sip of champagne. (B)26 Who was the first Tour winner stripped of his title on charges of using drugs? (A)Henri Desgrange. (B)Floyd Landis. (C)Bjarne Riis. (D)Tom Simpson. (C)27 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A)The Tour de France is more than 100 years old. (B)Fans used to put nails on the road in the past. (C)American rider Tom Simpson died in the middle of the race. (D)The Tour de France was the brainchild of Henri Desgrange. (C)28 What was the original aim of the Tour de France? (A)To boost the spirit of teamwork. (B)To boost sport consciousness. (C)To raise magazine circulation. (D)To raise traffic circulation. (A)29 Which of the following titles is the most appropriate one for this passage? (A)A Brief History of the Tour de France (B)Drugs in Sports (C)Reasons behind the Success of the Tour de France (D)Necessity is the Mother of Invention (D)30 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) The use of drugs is no longer a problem in the Tour de France. (B)Champagne is no longer allowed in the Tour de France. (C)The Tour de France now tests every participant daily. (D)The cyclists used cigarettes to stimulate themselves in the past. “Biography first convinces us of the fleeing of the Biographied,” wrote Emily Dickinson, America’s most famous female poet of the 19th century, uncannily foreseeing how inscrutable a subject she herself would turn out to be. Rather like Emily Brontë, with whom she identified, Dickinson shrank from contact with the world, scuttling off in her signature white dress as soon as a visitor appeared at the door. Reluctant to share her pared-down, laser-sharp and sometimes terrifying inward poems through publication—only seven were printed in her lifetime—she nevertheless relied on an iron core of self-belief, quietly prophesying that posterity would recognize her genius. Dickinson’s externally uneventful life has been chronicled before, but Brenda Wineapple finds a new way in by focusing on her relationship with the man who would eventually help to bring her to the public gaze after her death. Thomas Wentworth Higginson has usually been patronized as a second-rater who bungled the transmission of Dickinson’s work by allowing too much editorial tempering, a man whose bourgeois conventionality tried to silence a woman poet’s true voice. Yet Ms. Wineapple responds to him with compassion and respect, and in doing so makes her book much more than a biography—rather, a sweeping cultural and political history of the lead-up to the American civil war and its aftermath. (D)31 Which of the following authors wrote Emily Dickinson’s biography? (A)Emily Brontë. (B)Thomas Higginson. (C)Emily Wentworth. (D)Brenda Wineapple. (D)32 According to your understanding of the passage, which of the following can best describe Emily Dickinson’s attitude towards biography? (A)Confident. (B)Disdainful. (C)Optimistic. (D)Skeptical. (D)33 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A)Emily Dickinson enjoyed receiving visitors at home. (B)Emily Dickinson had a colorful life while she was alive. (C)Thomas Higginson was highly appreciated by critics in the past. (D)Brenda Wineapple’s attitude towards Higginson is different from that of critics in the past. (B)34 Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinson is NOT true? (A)She published only a few poems in her lifetime. (B)She was not sure about the value of her works. (C)She was an introvert poet. (D)Higginson brought her works to public attention after her death. (A)35 Which of the following statements can be inferred from this passage? (A)Although Dickinson only published seven poems in her lifetime, she was confident about her status in the future. (B)With the publication of this new biography, the relationship between Dickinson and Higginson will be definitely changed. (C)With the help of her biographies, we can finally understand the inner world of Dickinson. (D)Thomas Higginson was over-rated and deeply misunderstood by critics in the past. Four-star general Walter (Dutch) Kerwin, who helped pioneer the US military’s historic shift to an all-volunteer force in the 1970s, had seen firsthand the problems that could plague a conscripted army fighting a modern war. Kerwin was the Army’s personnel chief during the Vietnam War, grappling with draftees deserting, abusing drugs and even murdering unpopular commanders. With draftees’ tours limited to 12 months, military units lost their vital cohesion. In order to help “bring this level of indiscipline down,” as he told Congress at the time, Kerwin drafted plans for what became the all-volunteer force that celebrated its 35th birthday on July 1, 2008. Kerwin famously spoke of the line that he felt must be drawn between those in uniform and those they protect. “The values necessary to defend the society are often at odds with the values of the society itself,” he said. “The Army must concentrate not on the values of our liberal society but on the hard values of the battlefield.” The volunteer Army isn’t without problems—conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have forced it to lower recruiting standards and increase bonuses to attract and retain soldiers—but with a conscripted force, the US probably couldn’t have waged the two wars now under way. Compared with morale during Vietnam, the spirit among US troops serving in war zones is relatively high—a fact that will no doubt be Kerwin’s legacy. (D)36 When did the United States military begin its all-volunteer force? (A)1970. (B)1971. (C)1972. (D)1973. (A)37 How long did American draftees have to serve during the Vietnam War period? (A)One year. (B)A year and a half. (C)Two years. (D)Three years. (D)38 According to the passage, which of the following crimes was not committed by the draftees General Kerwin dealt with? (A)Deserting. (B)Drug abuse. (C)Murder. (D)Sexual abuse. (B)39 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A)Kerwin was the Navy Personnel Chief during the Vietnam War. (B)Kerwin believes that the values of the military are different from those of the society. (C)The morale of the US Army is as low as it was in the Vietnam War. (D)Kerwin believes that soldiers should enjoy the same freedom as their compatriots. (D)40 Which of the following consequences comes with the all-volunteer forces? (A)Lower morale. (B)Loss of vital cohesion. (C)Lower bonuses. (D)Lower recruiting standards.
一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。 (一)The widely expected slowdown in the expansion of world output and trade turned out to be much stronger than most observ...
2014年1月4日 星期六
(A)36 I knew Sabrina was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into tears. (A)burst (B)fired (C)jumped (D)managed 我知道薩布麗娜是無奈,但它令我驚訝,當她突然嚎啕大哭。 (A)爆裂(B)發射(C)跳(D)管理 burst into tears:嚎啕大哭 (C)37 I always take a shower after a game of basketball. I don’t want to smell bad. (A)picture (B)note (C)shower (D)temperature 一場籃球比賽後我總是沖個澡。我不想聞到不好的氣味。 (A)圖(B)筆記(C)淋浴(D)溫度 (B)38 Sorry, I’m late. My car broke down on the way here. (A)drove off (B)broke down (C)took away (D)knocked out 抱歉,我遲到了。我的車在半路上壞。 (A)開走(B)拋錨(C)帶走(D)淘汰 (D)39 I would have bought you that book if I had had enough money with me last night. (A)have had (B)has had (C)had (D)had had 昨晚如果我有足夠的錢,我就買你的書。 (B)40 Linda: Can I borrow a pen, please? Pat: I don’t have a pen. Sorry. Linda: That’s OK. Thanks anyway. (A)How wonderful (B)Thanks anyway (C)You’re welcome (D)It’s very kind of you 琳逹:我能借一支筆 帕特:我沒有筆。抱歉。 琳逹:沒關係。還是謝謝您。 (A)如何美妙(B)還是謝謝您(C)不客氣(D)您實在太好了 What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you 41 , you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person 42 enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer gray and blue? Then you’re 43 quiet, shy and you would rather follow than 44 . You tend to be a pessimist. 45 , this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been studying seriously the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.(請依據上述文章,回答第41~45題) (A)41 (A)do (B)are (C)like (D)know (B)42 (A)so (B)who (C)how (D)thus (C)43 (A)likely (B)militarily (C)probably (D)economically (A)44 (A)lead (B)obey (C)explode (D)pronounce (D)45 (A)At random (B)At last (C)At once (D)At least 你最喜歡什麼顏色?你喜歡黃色,橙色,紅色?如果你41,你必須是一個樂觀主義者,一個領袖,一個活躍的人42享受生活,人與興奮。你喜歡灰色和藍色?那麼你43文靜,害羞,你寧願跟隨大於44。你往往是一個悲觀主義者。45,這是心理學家告訴我們,他們應該知道,因為他們一直在研究色彩的偏好,以及色彩對人的不同影響的seriouslythe意義。 (A)41 (A)do (B)是(C)喜歡(D)知道 (B)42 (A)so (B)誰(C)如何(D)從而 (C)43 (A)有可能(B)軍事(C)可能是(D)經濟 (A)44 (A)領導(B)服從(C)爆炸(D)發音 (D)45 (A)在隨機的(B)在最後(C)在一次(D)至少 would rather…than…:寧願…而不…連接的是兩個對比的詞或片語 例:我寧願去上學比呆在家裡。我寧願上學也不願待在家裡。 follow是跟隨、服從之意,相反詞用lead()。obey則是遵從,與follow同義。 The Old Man and the Sea is a novel by Ernest Hemingway. The book is about an old fisherman, Santiago, who fishes alone. Friendless except for a young boy named Manolin, Santiago has only one remaining purpose in life-to catch a big fish in order to prove to Manolin and to himself that he is still a good fisherman. After eighty-four days of unsuccessful fishing, on the eighty-fifth day Santiago goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin. He struggles with the fish for two days and nights and finally kills it. Soon sharks appear and attack his fish. The old man fights them off with all his strength but fails to protect his catch. Only the bones of the great fish remain as proof of Santiago’s courage and strength when he returns with it to the harbor. (請依據上述文章,回答第46~50題) (D)46 Who is the author of The Old Man and the Sea? (A)Santiago. (B)Manolin. (C)Santiago’s friend. (D)Hemingway. (C)47 Who is Manolin? (A)An old man. (B)The fisherman’s wife. (C)A boy. (D)A big fish. (B)48 Why does the old fisherman want to catch a big fish? (A)To earn some money. (B)To prove that he is skilled at fishing . (C)To feed his hungry friend. (D)To return to the harbor. (C)49 Why does the old man return to the harbor with the bones of the fish only? (A)He eats the fish up on his way home. (B)He travels too far and too long, so the fish is no more fresh. (C)Some sharks get to it. (D)The fish bones are beautiful. (A)50 The old fisherman “goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin.” What is a marlin? (A)A kind of fish. (B)A kind of ship. (C)A magician. (D)A kind of shark. 老人與海是一種新型的海明威。這本書是關於一個老漁夫聖地亞哥,誰獨自才對。沒有朋友,除了一個小男孩叫曼諾林,聖地亞哥在生活到只剩下一個目的是為了證明給曼諾林和他自己,他仍然是一個不錯的漁夫釣大魚。後84天不成功捕魚,在第八十五天,桑提亞哥遠遠入海,在那裡他鉤一個巨大的馬林魚。他與魚掙扎了兩天兩夜,終於殺死它。不久,鯊魚出現並攻擊他的魚。老頭用他所有的力量他們戰鬥過,但無法保護自己的捕獲物。偉大的魚只的骨頭仍然是聖地亞哥的勇氣和力量的證明時,他用它返回到港口。 (D)46誰是老人與海的作者? (A)聖地亞哥。(B)曼諾林。(C)聖地亞哥的朋友。(D)海明威。 (C)47誰是曼諾林? (A)一個老人。(B)漁夫的妻子。(C)男孩。(D)大魚。 (B)48為什麼老漁翁想釣大魚? (A)為了多賺些錢。(B)要證明他是善於釣魚。(C)為了養活他餓的朋友。(D)要返回港口。 (C)49為什麼老人返回港口,只有魚的骨頭? (A)他在回家的路上吃的魚了。(B)他旅行太遠,太久,所以魚是沒有更多的新鮮。(C)有些鯊魚得到它。(D)魚骨頭是美麗的。 (A)50老漁翁“遠遠入海,在那裡他鉤一個巨大的馬林魚。”什麼是馬林魚? (A)一種魚。(B)一種船舶。(C)魔術師。(D)一種鯊魚。
(A)36 I knew Sabrina was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into tears. (A)burst (B)fired (C)jumped (D)managed 我知道薩...
(A)36 I knew Sabrina was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into tears. (A)burst (B)fired (C)jumped (D)managed (C)37 I always take a shower after a game of basketball. I don’t want to smell bad. (A)picture (B)note (C)shower (D)temperature (B)38 Sorry, I’m late. My car broke down on the way here. (A)drove off (B)broke down (C)took away (D)knocked out (D)39 I would have bought you that book if I had had enough money with me last night. (A)have had (B)has had (C)had (D)had had (B)40 Linda: Can I borrow a pen, please? Pat: I don’t have a pen. Sorry. Linda: That’s OK. Thanks anyway. (A)How wonderful (B)Thanks anyway (C)You’re welcome (D)It’s very kind of you What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you 41 , you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person 42 enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer gray and blue? Then you’re 43 quiet, shy and you would rather follow than 44 . You tend to be a pessimist. 45 , this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been studying seriously the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.(請依據上述文章,回答第41~45題) (A)41 (A)do (B)are (C)like (D)know (B)42 (A)so (B)who (C)how (D)thus (C)43 (A)likely (B)militarily (C)probably (D)economically (A)44 (A)lead (B)obey (C)explode (D)pronounce (D)45 (A)At random (B)At last (C)At once (D)At least The Old Man and the Sea is a novel by Ernest Hemingway. The book is about an old fisherman, Santiago, who fishes alone. Friendless except for a young boy named Manolin, Santiago has only one remaining purpose in life-to catch a big fish in order to prove to Manolin and to himself that he is still a good fisherman. After eighty-four days of unsuccessful fishing, on the eighty-fifth day Santiago goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin. He struggles with the fish for two days and nights and finally kills it. Soon sharks appear and attack his fish. The old man fights them off with all his strength but fails to protect his catch. Only the bones of the great fish remain as proof of Santiago’s courage and strength when he returns with it to the harbor. (請依據上述文章,回答第46~50題) (D)46 Who is the author of The Old Man and the Sea? (A)Santiago. (B)Manolin. (C)Santiago’s friend. (D)Hemingway. (C)47 Who is Manolin? (A)An old man. (B)The fisherman’s wife. (C)A boy. (D)A big fish. (B)48 Why does the old fisherman want to catch a big fish? (A)To earn some money. (B)To prove that he is skilled at fishing . (C)To feed his hungry friend. (D)To return to the harbor. (C)49 Why does the old man return to the harbor with the bones of the fish only? (A)He eats the fish up on his way home. (B)He travels too far and too long, so the fish is no more fresh. (C)Some sharks get to it. (D)The fish bones are beautiful. (A)50 The old fisherman “goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin.” What is a marlin? (A)A kind of fish. (B)A kind of ship. (C)A magician. (D)A kind of shark.
(A)36 I knew Sabrina was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into tears. (A)burst (B)fired (C)jumped (D)managed (C)...